

Perception is Deception,

Perception is Deception,

You observe the stars, your thumb, your thoughts, your first memory….

In one swift movement of your awareness, you seem to traverse infinite space. And time. And scale.

How is that possible?

We see the world as multitudes, as complexity, as “other”.

At the same time, we intuit everything to be one whole,

because our awareness is the medium that connects everything we experience.

It is all oneness,

wholeness shining with your awareness.

Unbroken awareness that in every millisecond tries to become conscious of itself, embrace itself,

and thereby produce an appearance of infinite changes, infinite lines of separation.

We are that power which constantly unites and splits the observed,

by the very act of observation.


To answer the question, we have to find out what we are.

But we seem to have forgotten who we are.

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<strong>Is the world a projection of your longing to be free?</strong>

Is the world a projection of your longing to be free?

Yes, you are the master of imagination who has enslaved himself through forgetfulness.

We, being truly all, cannot resonate with any fragment.

Don’t you remember?

Picture this:

A man walking in a thick fog, he can only see one meter ahead on all sides. His senses reflect impressions to his mind, his mind is aware of the landscape within a one-meter radius. He carries his sphere of knowledge and the horizon of knowledge with him wherever he goes.

The fog is invisible to him because it is made of tiny floating particles endlessly reflecting his sphere of limited clarity. He is the reflective centre of this tiny self-reflecting world.

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What is a Seeker? What is a Guru?

What is a Seeker? What is a Guru?

An absolute field of unwavering stillness is said to permeate and contain everything. This field is absolute consciousness. It is Oneness. Knowing this infinite background field is said to be the highest purpose of life. This purpose, this wish, has driven the universe into existence.
In this infinite field of consciousness, a succession of more and more complex patterns appears. They all seek knowledge. They all push evolution. At one point the human body- mind entity appears as a pattern vibrating in consciousness. The specific human pattern is a result of all the preceding patterns, whose work has preprogramed the human being for the possibility of self-awareness and liberation. The consciousness alive in the human pattern can return to Oneness by knowing itself as the stainless field of absolute consciousness, in which all vibrations are perceived by themselves.

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Who do you think I am?

Who do you think I am?

Who do you think I am?
I am the iciness inhabiting winter winds beating against your door
I am the heat sitting still in the dancing flames of your sacred fire
I live inside the resonance of large brass bells you ring to appease the gods
I am the timid hint of fragile pink in a white rose petal you place at my altar
I am the deep inkiness standing vigil behind the violet of your flowing ceremonial garb

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If Meditation is the Answer, then What is the Question?

If Meditation is the Answer, then What is the Question?

Nobody wants to suffer. Everybody wants to pinpoint the problem and to know the solution. Only a few ask themselves why they perceive something as a problem. Fewer still have the clarity to perceive the deep knowledge that can be learned from their fearless experience of a “problem”.

What we perceive as a problem is based on how we like our world to be. The spectrum of what we like goes from wanting to simply be alive, to wanting the tiniest of superfluous trifles to be according to our specific expectations. How we like our world to be is highly individual and a lot of what we expect to get from the world, is based on unconscious desires and fears. Never-the-less we do not hesitate to construct empires based on those imaginary and fragile foundations.

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