Meditation, Talks, Nondual Philosophy and Self Inquiry

The Universe is a Wave

Awareness is an Ocean

Had the pleasure to be interviewed by Bobbi Jo Paidel about my spirutual path for the podcaste A Curious Yogi

“The whole thing is for you to know you are outside of the mandala looking in. You are not caught. You’re not struggling your way out of the mandala, you are transcending the idea that you are even caught in the first place.”

Vijay Shyam

In conversation with Bobbi about my spiritual path (also available on Appel and Goggle)

What Does It Mean To Surrender Ones Ego?

(also available on Apple and Goggle)

Man exists on the thin line

dividing the infinite ocean of his soul

NonDual Denmark is a space for meditation and investigative stillness as well as talks and dialogue about meditation, existence, freedom and consciousness.

To observe the mind without engaging in its movements allows you to realize that you are infinitely vaster than your perceptions, experiences and history.

The stillness found in meditation is not the goal; it is the starting point of a deeper observation of the nature of existence and consciousness.

By using the powerful tool of observation, we approach the limits of mind, to understand the infinity of our nature.

We may break free of mind to realize we are oneness, we are all, we are non-dual.

” Investigate what the mind is and it will disappear.

There is no such thing as mind apart from thought.”

Ramanna Maharshi