self inquiry


Where Did The Ego Come From?

Where Did The Ego Come From?

Where did the ego come from?
Does the world manifest material complexity outwards, resulting in subtler layers of existence? Does it start from insentient matter which then becomes biological life that develops into sophisticated beings with specific senses, ego and finally this consciousness now reading these words while thinking I am reading? This sequence of unfolding is what we are told is true. But have you investigated it?

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If Meditation is the Answer, then What is the Question?

If Meditation is the Answer, then What is the Question?

Nobody wants to suffer. Everybody wants to pinpoint the problem and to know the solution. Only a few ask themselves why they perceive something as a problem. Fewer still have the clarity to perceive the deep knowledge that can be learned from their fearless experience of a “problem”.

What we perceive as a problem is based on how we like our world to be. The spectrum of what we like goes from wanting to simply be alive, to wanting the tiniest of superfluous trifles to be according to our specific expectations. How we like our world to be is highly individual and a lot of what we expect to get from the world, is based on unconscious desires and fears. Never-the-less we do not hesitate to construct empires based on those imaginary and fragile foundations.

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Have we misunderstood what happiness is?

Have we misunderstood what happiness is?

We are looking for something that we can add to our lives. Something that can give us the feeling of being safe, of being valuable, loved, and peaceful, and everyone has a, perhaps subconscious, idea of ​​how it will feel or look when the goal is reached or fulfilled. When everything falls in to place.

What it is we think we should achieve depends on what we define ourselves as, and what we define ourselves as defines our idea of ​​success.

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